How to Evaluate a Business Worth

Knowing how much your business is worth will help you decide whether to pay for a new piece of equipment, or to enlist partners or investment funds. It also serves as a baseline for the way your company’s finances are performing, and could be useful to compare your business’s performance against other companies in your industry.

To determine the worth of a company, add up all the assets, including property and inventory, then subtract any liabilities or debts. This is a great place to start but keep in mind that your business is more than its assets and liabilities.

You can use the market method to obtain an exact estimate. This method is based upon recent sales of similar businesses. This method uses seller’s discretionary earnings, or SDE. It is similar to EBITDA but adds in things like employee outings and charitable donations.

Another option is to base your assessment on the amount of revenue, and use an annual sales multiple. The amount of money you can earn will depend on the industry trends and your business. A knowledgeable broker or business advisor can offer suggestions on the best method for your particular company. It’s important that you update your calculation regularly and consult a professional appraiser to get the most precise picture of your company’s value. They can also help you plan for a possible purchase or sale of your company.

Last updated: Setembro 5, 2024


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