How to Transition From an Office to a Remote Work Business

The COVID-19 epidemic has forced many companies to rethink their workplace policies, especially those that pertain to remote work. Some companies have shifted to a totally remote model while others have an office but hire remote employees to take on specific roles or projects. The flexible arrangement is beneficial to both employers and their remote workers. The former can save on real estate and space costs, draws talent from all over the world and alleviates geographical limitations while the latter balances personal and professional obligations.

For teams to move from a workplace to a remote workstation, it takes more than just a good internet connection and file sharing software. It involves planning for a transition that includes onboarding, training, and the establishment of metrics to measure success. It is also essential to provide the appropriate equipment and tools for remote workers.

For instance, it’s crucial to establish clear expectations for virtual communication, and avoid flooding employees with messages. Managers should instead establish regular check-ins as well as communicate guidelines for calls made via virtual channels. They should also offer the appropriate tools to monitor productivity and workflow. Trello, for example, is a productivity-tracking application which can help managers monitor the progress of their teams.

It is also important to find the best remote jobs that match your experience and qualifications. Software solutions can be used to work remotely in roles such as client interaction and project management that previously relied on face-to-face interactions. In the same way, salespeople can utilize online platforms to interact with clients and manage their pipelines from distant locations. Other professions that have adapted well to remote work include recruitment, accounting, human resources and operations.

Last updated: Outubro 23, 2024


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