How to Interview an Investor

Entrepreneurs often focus on how they can prepare for a meeting. They have their business plan organized and ensure that all financial documents are in place, and practice the key points of their pitch deck. But the interview with an investor needs to be a two-way conversation. The questions you ask an investor tell you a great deal about their procedure and expectations for working with startups.

Standard Investor Questions

Investors are interested in knowing how you are familiar with your business’s model, and what you think of as a potential market for your company. They’ll also want to know how you are planning for growth, which metrics are most important to you and how you’ll add value to their investment. Your answers to these fundamental questions will establish the foundation for a deeper discussion later on in the interview.

Process and Firm-Specific Questions

Doing your research on investors and their investment strategies before you meet with them is important. You can adapt your approach so that it meets their needs and increase the chance that they will invest in your venture. Knowing what investors look for in terms of returns and the typical timelines for deals will help you meet the goals of investors. Learning how they’ve dealt with turbulence in their portfolio companies will give you insights into how they interact with founders in tough times.

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Last updated: Julho 16, 2024


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