Freeware PC Software

Freeware refers to any copyright-protected program, software or application that is able to be downloaded and used by the end-user for free. Freeware is different from freeware and is defined as one of the Four Freedoms by the Free Software Foundation.

Richard Stallman published the first formal definition of Free Software in 1986. It states that software is free if it permits users to examine, modify and redistribute the program in order to fit their needs. The program can also be run on any computer system and does not require a license or a fee to use it.

Certain freeware applications are limited editions of software programs that are available for purchase for an affordable cost or donated to charity. These are generally known as shareware and typically include a significant amount of features missing from the full version of the program.

Freeware computer software includes media players, word processors and antivirus programs. The most well-known free programs are those that safeguard against malware and viruses that could cause damage to the operating system, or steal sensitive information. A great freeware application named Ninite makes it easy to load up a new computer with the programs you require, and refuses all offers for bundled with bloatware. It’s a great tool for those with a tight budget or time to have a computer running quickly and efficiently.

Last updated: Agosto 20, 2024


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