30/13 Midwife Nina faces charges after a newborn baby dies. Her life is scrutinized during the investigation. She persists in her medical duties, determined to provide the care others hesitate to offer, despite the risks. EEPHUS HDTV TORRENT TIBI
26/23 The table is set. The people of Israel welcomed Jesus as king, while his disciples awaited his coronation. But – instead of standing up to Rome – he changes the Jewish religious festival. With their power threatened, the religious and political leaders of the land will do everything they can to ensure that this […]
36/31 Long (Hiệp Trần Nghĩa), un chauffeur vietnamien du sud de la Californie, répond à un appel tard dans la nuit pour un trajet en voiture. Déjà habillé en pyjama, il accepte à contrecœur et prend en charge un homme, Tây (Dustin Nguyen), et ses deux compagnons. Mais les hommes, des détenus récemment évadés d’une […]
10/11 Mufasa: El Rey León 2024 – Un viaje al destino En el encantador mundo de los clásicos animados, Mufasa: El Rey León 2024 promete ser una incorporación cautivadora. Mientras los fanáticos esperan ansiosamente su lanzamiento, muchos buscan formas de experimentar la historia a través de una descarga torrent. La película explora el improbable ascenso […]
40/20 The Visitor 2024: A Journey of Awakening and Transformation The Visitor 2024, kimlik, maneviyat ve bireyler arasındaki derin bağlantıları ele alan düşündürücü bir film. Klasik film Teorema’nın (1968) bu çağdaş yeniden çevrimi, varlıklı bir Londra ailesinde değişimin katalizörü haline gelen bir mültecinin hayatına dalıyor. Şehrin etrafında birden fazla aynı adamın belirmesiyle, anlatı büyüleyici bir […]
30/23 Mom follows a struggling mother (Emily Hampshire) who is abandoned by her family and partner after a horrific incident. As she falls deeper into isolation, she begins to be haunted by a sinister entity determined to make her relive her darkest moments. JAZZY DVDRIPDVD9
34/39 Alex is trapped in a downward spiral of shallow hookups and tepid connections, but she is caught off guard when her dating app swipes lead her into the arms of a mysterious, charming young man Kyle. Despite their passionate night, when the sun rises, the mystery man is nowhere to be found. Alex then […]
41/48 Black Bag 2025: A Thrilling Espionage Drama In the world of espionage, trust is as fragile as a whisper. The upcoming film Black Bag 2025 explores this intricate web of loyalty and betrayal, where a seasoned intelligence agent finds herself at the center of a national scandal. As the narrative unfolds, the audience is […]
21/48 Vincent is an ex-convict who wants a normal, quiet life above all else. He and his wife Sandy have started a loving family with their son, DJ, and are spending their winter vacations at a cabin before heading off to college. Chaos ensues when Vincent’s renegade son, Rocco, his girlfriend Marina, and Vincent’s ex-wife, […]