37/13 Green and Gold: A Heartwarming Tale of Legacy and Dreams In the picturesque landscapes of Wisconsin, the gripping narrative of “Green and Gold” unfolds. This film explores the struggles of a dedicated dairy farmer facing foreclosure, as well as the aspirations of his granddaughter who dreams of a different life. As the stakes rise, […]
46/12 After completing his required decade of military service and being honored as a hero, a North Korean sergeant makes a sudden shocking attempt to defect to the South, risking life and limb for the chance to finally determine his own destiny. KAPTAN DUNYA
38/33 Flight Risk 2025: A Thrilling Journey into Suspense If you’re on the lookout for an edge-of-your-seat experience, “Flight Risk 2025” is the film you won’t want to miss. This high-stakes thriller takes viewers on a gripping adventure through the Alaskan wilderness, where a seemingly routine flight spirals into chaos. With unexpected twists and a […]
33/11 La figlia di un sopravvissuto all’Olocausto intraprende una spedizione internazionale per scoprire il destino della madre e dei sei fratelli, fuggiti da bambini dalla Germania nazista, contando solo sulla loro spavalderia giovanile e sulla gentilezza degli stranieri tedeschi. 2025 miknatis itin
33/29 Autumn und der schwarze Jaguar: Eine Reise voller Freundschaft und Abenteuer Tief im Amazonas-Regenwald entsteht eine einzigartige Verbindung zwischen einem jungen Mädchen namens Autumn und einem verlorenen Jaguarjungen, den sie Hope nennt. Diese berührende Erzählung „Autumn und der schwarze Jaguar“ behandelt die Themen Freundschaft, Mut und den Kampf gegen die Umweltzerstörung. Während die Herbstblätter […]
11/48 On a fateful afternoon in an empty elementary school, two mothers of six-year-olds Arman and Joni desperately struggle to be believable when one of their sons is accused of crossing the line against the other. All means are used and soon a mixture of madness, desire and obsession emerges. It is impossible to know […]
22/15 Totsuko è una studentessa delle superiori che riesce a vedere il “colore” degli altri. Il colore della beatitudine, dell’eccitazione e della serenità, nonché il colore che considera il suo preferito. Kimi, una compagna di classe della sua scuola, emette il colore più bello di tutti. Sebbene non suoni uno strumento, Totsuko forma una band […]